Letra de canción de Bonnie Tyler: It's A Jungle Out There

It's A Jungle Out There

(pilger, polen, moloney)

Producer for bonnie: jim steinman

I hear you call it civilization
It's a jungle out there
It's a jungle out there
Unending nights of temptation
It's a jungle out there
But you just don't care
Each night you dress up to kill them

Down at the watering hole
You stalk your prey with high fashion
With self control, you play the roll
The lonely and the lonely heart hunters
The neon love life, oh it cuts like a knife
I hear you call it civilization
It's a jungle out there
It's a jungle out there

The sounds and shadows surround you
You're swinging vine to vine
Below the nightmare it gathers
It's like a jungle, at feeding time
Clawing through the crowd each night
Oh you set your trap so carefully, a trophy for your wall
Someone has you in their sights
You are both the hunters and the prey, no winners at all
I hear you call it civilization
It's ajungle out there
It's a jungle out there
Unending nights of temptation
It's ajungle out there
But you just don't care

Unending nights of temptation
It's a jungle out there
It's a jungle out there
Civilization! oh!
It's ajungle out there
You call it civilization
It's a jungle out there
It's a jungle out there

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