What You Feel

Sweet: Wh'd you run away,
Don't you like my style?
Why don't you come and play
I guarantee a great big smile
I come from the imagination
And I'm here strictly by your invocation
So what'd say
Why don't we dance a while
I'm the heart of swing
I'm the twist and shout
When you gotta sing
When you gotta let it out
You call me and I come a-runnin'
I turn the music on - I bring the fun in
Now where partying - that's what it's all about
'Cause i know what you feel girl
I know just what you feel girl
All these melodies
They go on too long
Then that energy
Starts to come on way too strong
All those hearts laid open - that must sting
Plus some customers just start combusting
That's the penalty
When life is but a song
You brought me down and doomed this town
So when we blow this scene
Back we will go to my kingdom below
And you will be my queen
'Cause I know what you feel, girl

Dawn: No you see
You and me
Wouldn't be very regal

Sweet:And I make it real, girl

Dawn: What i mean
I'm fifteen
So this "queen" thing's illegal

Sweet:I can bring whole cities to ruin
And still have time to get a soft shoe in

Dawn:No that's great
But i'm late
And I'de hate to delay her

Sweet: Somethin's cooking - I'm at the griddle
I bought Nero his very first fiddle

Dawn: She'll get pissed
If I'm missed
See my sister's the slayer

Sweet: Now were partying
That's what it's all about

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