It's Christmas

Ohh, it's Christmas

I'm so glad that you came my way
From a million stars, here you are
I swear your love is mine

And somehow I knew that you were made for me
I can't believe that my wish came true
I'll never let you go baby

People are celebrating all throughout the world
And that's what we gonna do tonight
'Cuz we got so much, so much love to share

Ohh, it's Christmas
And we'll share a love just like we did last year
Ohh, it's Christmas
And you know I'm gonna be right here

And still my heart belongs to you and only you
Merry Christmas darlin'
Let us share the joy of love tonight

Girl, when tonight's may come and go and we're still dancing slow
Can't you hear my song?
The song I sing for you, yes, I sing for you

People are celebrating all throughout the world
And that's what we gonna do tonight
'Cuz we got so much, so much love to share

Ohh, it's Christmas
And we'll share a love just like we did last year
Ohh, it's Christmas
And you know I'm gonna be right here

Well, I'm gonna be right here
I'm gonna be right there for you
You should know by now it's true
I'm not gonna leave, no, I won't

People are celebrating all throughout the world
And that's what we gonna do tonight
'Cuz we got so much, so much love to share

Ohh, it's Christmas
And we'll share a love just like we did last year
Ohh, it's Christmas
And you know I'm gonna be right here

And I wish you such a nice Christmas
And a Merry Christmas to all
Merry Christmas to the world

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