Dawn of Thought

From the most obscure halls of history
Do we hear its vestiges
An endless search is molded
Again (and again)
History not only a pure succession of facts
Tough memories pointed out poured tears
Unending potencies?
Reaching through all possibilities
Thoughts are real ? not without their action
By that building force that transforms
Every actual instant
Clarity and obscurity are both
The same instance
They play, reveal and veil around
Perspectives that reach through the centuries
The dawn of thought
So many doubts arise in the curse of this game
Questions and questions increase, totality of the same
A bloody saga, for the power surrounds
Titanical cruelty and violence
Amidst ancient gods
Primordial time of eternal recurrence
Brightness of appearance contrasts
The darkest deepest gap
Transparence-reality, thunder guiding thought
By which history happens and opens itself
