• Betw-Swee
  • Between Logic And Senses
    Here I lay, bare naked on the floor (shivering down my spine) As I lean back on the cold damp wall (shivers of cold or shivers of fear) Fear of being alone Fea...
  • Fading Away
    Nobody laughing in the end There're things I cannot comprehend The night is full of stars And you're not with me Cut down another thread If one isn't enough If...
  • Langkah
    Biarkan, Jiwa ini meneriakkan Mimpi-mimpi terkekang Bukan tanpa makna kubicara Rapuh jiwa meronta Yakinkan diri Dengan nurani Rasa takutpun kan pergi Hanya ber...
  • Potret Kehampaan
    Dan, Semua telah hilang potret kehampaan Apa yang kutakutkan kini menjadi nyata Tersisa hanyalah Sesal tak habisnya Kebodohan yang memaksa Membuatku nista Namu...
  • Serenade
    That thought never cross my mind That you could leave And vanish into nothingness Left us alone I shall never forget the moment that I heard the news of you No...
  • Sweet Lullaby
    Haven't you heard about a fairy tale? At a winter's night end of the year in five The given one land to the world and now Haven't you received a message from he...