Finish Him

We are on our journey home
To see God sitting on the white throne
And some day we'll see his face
So we run to that holy place
We love our God Jesus Christ our King
In Heaven we will sing
I hate the devil I love the Lord
Read the bible it's the sword

Finish him! We hate the sin!
Finish him! Now we will win!
Finish him! We're clothed in white!
Finish him! We are the Bride!

We know the darkness will rise
You know the hell will be their price
The evil Satan is their King
But for Jesus Christ we will sing
To kill the evil that's my aim and
Fight for Jesus that's no game
Against the evil, but they will grow
Jesus is here to let them bow

Cause Jesus is Messiah
We live for Christ to get higher and higher
I know the earth will fade away
The holy spirit shows the way
Come and see I know it's hard,
You have to be very smart
Against the demons They will die
Against the devil I hear him cry

What do you think Jesus will say?
When you stand in front of his throne
Now it is Time to give him your life
And say Good-bye to the sin
