Sångtext Bomb The Music Industry!: Sweet Home Cananada

Sweet Home Cananada

I heard from you today
By digital replay
You told me that you care
You'll help from over there
I say we're not the same
It's falling on deaf ears
At eighty miles an hour
When I forget to steer
And if I wrap my car around the guard rails,
It ain't got shit to do with you
So drop the act, I know your true agenda

Can't live with the mistakes
I'll move out of the states
To South America
Or north to Canada
I lived through four years of lies
I've lost faith in mankind
With no one to befriend
I guess this is the end
And it's not glorious like in the movies
Explosion and a note
It's more like driving as far away as possible alone
And please don't say goodbye
To remind me you're alive
You've been dead to me
Since I've started feeling dead inside
So don't look down on me and say we feel same
'Cause we don't

So I'm checking out
I'm fucking done
Kiss my fat ass
I'm giving up
Eat shit and die
I'm taking off
Have a nice life
Have a nice death
I'm checking out
