Anxious Aberration In Pregnancy

Abhorrent self-made abortion,
Grabs the little one's desires,
And denies the coming to the light
Sperm running through the veins,
Infect the umbilical chord,
Feeding the little baby
The new born feels the pulsating penis,
Starts to consume it
The spongy tissue, full of blood, explodes in his faces
Uterine bloody-bath the result
Increasing childish violent necrophilic excitation
Consumed the male's organ of reproduction,
Now it's time to devour mummy's innards
Necrotic koitus
Ovaries, vaginal, intestinal mixture prepared by the little one that doesn't come to the light,
Before feasting the flavours and scents of horrifying ano-genital enjoyment
Nothing remains of the poor pregnant mother
Disembowelled, emptied, fucked, rejected
Through bloody-sperm flowing madness,
Soaks and floats the baby
Ejaculation - vomit
Feed the life of the anxious compulsive childish spoiled generation
