Every Dump You Take

Every dump you take
And every shite you make
Every time you quake
Every face you make
It's just a poo

Every single day
And every curse you say
Every strain you make
Every shit you take
It's just a poo

You need a wee?
Please go take a pee
How your ass cheeks ache
With every push you make

Every dump you make
Every bog you break
Every groan you make
Every wind you break
It's just a poo

Since you shat, I've been lost without a trace
Dreaming only that I could find my face
The toilet needs to be replaced
I've gone bald and there's shit all on my face
I keep screaming no more, no more please….

You need a wee?
Please go take a pee
How your ass cheeks ache
With every squeeze you make

Every shite you take
And every time you quake
Every time you moan
Every time you groan
It's just a poo

Every fart you make
Every dump you take
It's just a poo

It's just a poo

It's just a poo
