Tusen Ar Har Gatt

In the year 1999,
Four beings disappeared from this world
Nidas, Eldon, Erin, Cahn
This is what happened to them
The story is retold by Nidas

In the four storming winds of hate, we rise
When darkness rules in the dead of night - unleash the fire
The dark one we hail, the sky is read
Now I feel the ancient kingdom
We're darkness disciples, we'll bring the day of dying
My soul is filled with grievance,
I'm dead now - arise all demons!
As we're flying through landscapes of ice
I hear the angel's cries - consume them in fire
We are the four horseman of doom, to all of you
I shall walk through the endless times and again -
I'll meet my master
The burning diamond, the unseen phantom the old one
The horizon is near, we make us ready for the divinity
The night is dark a blaze of the northern star
I see the light am I in hell?
Death is real and everything turns black
I arise in the nocturnal seaI will bring your death
My soul's not resting in your hierarchy, my places is in hell!

Gog och Magog, tusen ar har gatt
Slapp ut den fallne valsigna vara sjalar
med eld fran den djupaste avgrunden
Hatet brinner I vara adror, den morka haren ar samlad
for att segra mot gud for dar tar sanningen I profetian slut
Tusen ar har gatt slapp ut de fallna anglarna,
lat draken leda er mot seger - hoj era svard!
Himlin blir svart, dag skall bli natt for evigt
Nar himlen brinner forsvinner himlens folk och vi vinner!
De doda stiger, himlen skakar Morkret faller, kann hur vi hatar
Forgor himlen I herrens namn Han ar en varg, Jehova ett lamm
Harmagedon, Fralsaren ar kommen
Men an finns det kristna kvar, dem skall vi tillintetgora
Overallt blir dodens natt lien ska svepa kallt
Snart borjar en mork gryning - Tusen ar har gatt!
Tusen, ater tusen samlas for att kriga med oss
Spikar, tusen spikar rispar mot den kalla vinterns frost!
Himlen skall tas fran alla hall vi sprider ut oss
vi ar I en mork ondskefull skog
vi fardas langs en flod, invantar manens sken
Nu faller natten vi lammar var flod
vi fardas fortare, manen blir lik blod!
Den leder oss mot norr, till vinterns kall storm
Dar skall vi invanta kallelsen till krig
Det borjar redan dagas, vi master snart sla oss ned
Annars vi branda blir av solens heta sken

It's time, we who have been eons rising at last
the sleepers are asleep no more
the dead resting peacefully no more
War, Plague, Famine and Death -
The four horsemen of the apocalypse
are roaming the sky as it was foretold in the book
The seven seals have been broken and the beast is lose again
Armageddon has come to pass finally
Unleash the crimson winds of fire
The time has come for our masters arrival
Now we're riding towards your filthy, holy heavens
Famine, War, Death, and Plague, we are the four horsemen!
The soldiers of death are marching,
they gather in front of heavens gate
Fill the world with plague
Erin, Cahn, Eldon and me will this insurrection of anarchy
Let the world hear our demands,
choose your side and join the battle up high
Fire in the Sky
The master has arrived
We are rising from our graves,
and the beast is unleashed again!
March, army of the past
We are the ones who won't be denied,
for we are the ones of the same ancient kind!
Our name is legion for we are many,
we have the raging fire within our souls
Our powers are infernal,
we dedicate the Dark one everything we do
Desecrate and slay! Whirlwinds on the way
Mankind will pray
But no one will reply!
You will die! Heaven fear us!
We are the bringers of doom
Black warriors of the evil seal,
let the Christians feel your steel
Let the sign of victory blaze in your eyes
The beasts arise - heavens demise
We are roaming the sky, inroad the gates of lies ATTACK!
A mighty clash, the gate is crushed
Demons, dragons, angels flush
Slaying the holy, bringing the weak christians to eternal sleep
I see Erin falling for a sword, he dies,
I scream with hatred in my eyes
I roar like thunderstorms, I swear I'll avenge him tonight!
The resistance is strong but we are stronger,
the blood is now draining the earth
Feeble screams of human beings,
the Christian race is devastated
As I'm slicing angels with my sword,
Eldons troop is breaking through the next door
Angels are burning in the flames,
I laugh with my sword sustained
But still there's much left to fight,
we're awaiting the masterdemon to come
"Nidas, make your hordes prevail,
we have to win before the suns first rays"
"We will win tonight, the sun will never again shine!
Now the gates are crushed, but many we have lost"
So rise, rise, army of the night
Now it's time to end this feeble light
Die, so die servants of the light
Jehovah is dethroned, only fire will shine

Himlen svartnar vid den blodroda horisonten,
segern ar var, uppa liken jag star
Eldon, Erin, Cahn har dott men de kristna ar besegrade for gott!
Jag ar den som flyger I manens sken, jag ar den du aldrig kan se
Jag ar den som dodade gud, ve dig, jag ar dodens sandebud!
Jag ar trott jag maste vila
Herren har gett mig ett land dit ska jag flyga
Jag flyger fram genom morka starer, elden slickar min kropp
Allsmaktige ge min sjal frid, kriget mot de kristna ar vunnet
Jag, en drake flyger fran helvetet
Ledd av min fader, den allsmaktige
Den eviga nattens svarta klor griper tag om min sjal
Den get mig morker, skanker mig frid,
ger mig allt jag behover pa min fard
Mitt rike borjar trada fram Jag flyger in I dimmornas land
Ogon I dimman bildar en har som bygger ett slott vid mind strand
Stormen ryter, morkrets brand Jag vilar I skymingens land!
Jag ar dod!
