Im Ugly

Monster 1: I'm ugly, I'm ugly as sin,
But beautiful's out, ugly's in
If you're ugly like me, you're in good company
There are millions of us who are ugly

Monster 2: Take the case of our friend the crocodile
His bite is much worse than his bark
In fact his behavior is juvenile,
Monster 1: infantile
Monster 2: Why can't he just sing like a lark

Crocodile: Roarrr

Monster 2: Though he's not the prettiest to be found,
He's a useful and happy reptile
Crocodile: I'll gobble up anyone left lying around,
And that gives me my permanent smile

Monster 1: He's ugly, he's ugly as sin,
But beautiful's out, ugly's in
If you're ugly like me, you're in good company
All: There are millions of us who are ugly

Monster 2: Take the case of our friend the warthog
He must be the ugliest by far
In every page in the ugly catalog,
Of all the ugly ones he's the star

Monster 3: His tail sticking up like a flagpole,
His tusks and his warts and his bristles
Warthog: Whenever I decide to take a stroll,
I'm never bothered by any wolf at all

Monster 1: You're ugly, you're ugly as sin,
Warthog: snort snort
Monster 1: But beautiful's out, ugly's in
Warthog: snort
All: If you're ugly like me, you're in good company
There are millions
