Brand New Start

(lyrics by A.Ruffo)

Do you remember
When you cried for him so long
You couldn`t bear to carry on
You kept on tryin`
To get him out of your head
Then you heard the voice
Inside that said
Here`s what it said:


You`re beautiful, you`re smart
Don`t let him break your heart
You`ve got a chance for a brand new start

Put on your make up, let your stockings run
Then let your hair down, and you`re done
You`re number one!
Head out to the city, guided by the neon light
And take a ride into the night
Oh,What`s the night!


You`re beautiful, you`re smart
Don`t let him break your heart
You`ve got a chance for a brand new start

You know what you want
Yo know what you need
Get yourself outta that misery
No matter whom you`re with
You`re always free
And now you know it


You`re beautiful, you`re smart
Don`t let him break your heart
You`ve got a chance for a brand new start

Call me anytime
I'll be by your side
Everything will be all right
