The Exorcist

When I was younger me and my friends saw the Exorcist
Thomas got so scared he couldn't sleep for days,
he wouldn't listen to me when I told him its not for real,
I told him it's make believe
And that there is no heaven or hell
Even if dio sings about it so well So well

Even though no gods exists and I'm an atheist
The Exorcist got me so scared, got me so scared

Some years went by then came "The heretic" Exorcist 2,
Starring Linda Blair and Max Von Sydow too
It had none of the mood or the tension,
It was not a worthy continuation,
A category
And a big disappointment for me Oh me!

Even though no gods exists and I'm an atheist
The exorcist got me so scared, got me so scared
Since then I've seen a thousand films
None with same tension and not to mention credibility

In 1990 came Exorcist 3,
Based on the novel legion by William Peter Blatty
It was not as bad as I thought it would be,
Not as good as the book but it was still worth to see

Even though no gods exists and I'm an atheist
The exorcist got me so scared, got me so scared
Since then I've seen a thousand films
None with same tension and not to mention credibility
