Fifty Nifty United States

Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies
Fifty Nifty stars on the flag that billow so beautifly in the breeze
Each individgual state deserves a quality that is great
Each individgual state deserves a bow we solute them now

Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies
Shout em' Scout em' tell all about em' one by one tell their given a name to every state in the USA

Mousouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico
New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oaklahoma,Pennsilvaina,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennesee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virgina,
Washington,West Virgina,Wisconsin,Wyoming
North,South,East,West contributes a quality that [Your State] is the best of the Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies
Shout em' Scout em' tell all about em' one by one tell their given a name to every state in the good ol' USA!!!!!!!!!
