House All Alone

Over Yonder by the river stands a memory A grave-yard, for a life that used to be This ole' homless shelter without Love is made of stone Over Yonder this ole'house is all alone
There's a picture of a happy couple on the wall Near the fireplace sits an empty rockin' chair As the minutes turn to hours still no body's home Over Yonder this ole' house is all alone
Outside the backdoor where a path leads to a little field there lies a graveyard with some words carved out in stone If you read these words you'll understand the reason why Over Yonder this ole' house is all alone
She died in the night while she was sleeping Nobody ever knew the reason why They found his body with a bullet through his brain They buried them together by and by
Sometimes they say the lights go on real late at night And you can hear there voices singing sweet and low But if you come too close they quickly fade away I guess the secrets of this house I'll never know
Outside the backdoor where a path leads to a little field there lies a graveyard with some words carved out in stone If you read these words you'll understand the reason why Over Yonder this ole' house is all alone
She died in the night while she was sleeping Nobody ever knew the reason why They found his body with a bullet through his brain They buried them together by and by
Over Yonder by the river stands a memory A grave-yard, for a life that used to be This ole' homless shelter without Love is made of stone Over Yonder this ole'house is all alone
Over Yonder this ole'house is all alone
