Sångtext The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches: The Guy From Subway

The Guy From Subway

I sucked it up I said "I'm ok"
Then I went with Chris Valentino to Subway
I walked in and the guy said "Hey, who's that eight year old girl you walked in here with last week"
I said "That's my ex-girlfriend"
He said "Is she free?"
I said "What the fuck you think? Now give me something to drink,
I'm about to pass out cryin' and I need something to eat"
He said he thought that I could do better
So I'm walking down to CVS with Chris and he says "Jeff, don't turn around"
So I do, and what do I see? The mouth of my ex that his tongue was down
Maybe I should have lied to him and said she found another guy
A strong athletic type who had cute and adorable eyes
But no, Mr Fuckingjackass had to tell the truth
Now I deal with him and her around me everyday, there goes serenity in my youth
Your love don't mean shit to some guy who sweeps the floors
Figure I'd go to pizza everyday, and I'd be alright, then I heard what he did last night
He delivered his six inch to her said that she was mad fucking tight
Can't believe this happened to me, like when I got dumped by Meg Dockery
Except my man Chris has been replaced with a dirty motherfucker with a scar on his face
Suicidal thoughts run through my brain all day, I'd never go through with it
I have nothing to do with it Like a gambler betting on a losing horse for weeks
Maybe the percentage of my profit margin slightly would increase
If I'd figure out a way to get you back
My love don't mean shit to some bitch who is a whore
He sells you fresh heroes for $144
My love don't mean shit to some bitch who is a whore
I'm sick of your shit and I can't take it anymore
I haven't had a peaceful night of sleep for weeks
Nighty night turn out the light Take the socks of my feet
Put on my shoes, went to your house You'd choose Nothing to lose
Went to your car The windows were steamed
Went back to my house hoping it was all a dream
