She's Coming

Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms Push will come to pull tonight and I'll have my hands full tonight and everything'll be real all right because she's coming over tonight
I'm gonna shave off my beard And I'll try not to act to weird Then I'm gonna kiss her tenderly, so don't ask her if she's free She won't be she'll be with me because she's coming over tonight
Everyone makes fun of me They do it right in front of me They don't think someone shy like me could get a girl like that to like a guy like me But now she's standing at my door She's who I've been waiting for, so don't feel sorry for me anymore because she's coming
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! We won't tell a soul tonight cause our mouths will be full tonight and talking with your mouth full isn't polite All right She's coming over tonight
