The Tired Youth

["To save a man's life against his will is the same as killing him" - Horace]

Youth will seep into an unjust sleep, eating ashes of it's love
Seduced yet convinced to rise in the liberty of closed eyes

See the dust in the wounds of the ones who have quit their bodies in frenzy
Answering the suffering with laughter
They're not so few and they are moving
They'll get you while they can, going to make you scream,
And beg for more

Youth will seep into an unjust sleep, eating ashes of it's love
Seduced yet convinced to rise in the liberty of closed eyes
Wicked hearts grow tame
I hear voices, but they ain't calling my name
I was not prepared and now it's time to let the others shine

Breath crushed out of the patron above, with hollow eyes,
Whistling with each intake
An assassin's eyes now idle from caring
My every word will convert the saints to swearing

Careless for the consequences, hunting heartaches
What makes you valuable is how you treat my mistakes
