Girl Meets Boy

Joe:Girl meets boy
That's a safe beginning
Artie:Is this a Western?
I love those wild-rolling plains
Betty:No it's not They live in the city
Artie:Then it's a thriller:
A sidewalk gleams when it rains

Or how about a brilliant pianist?
Every time the full moon's on the rise
He can't play without a shot of virgin's Blood
Betty:Thanks a lot
Be sure to leave your number
Artie:you'll think of something,
I'll see you opening night
Betty:Girl meets boy,
Now if I remember
She's a young teacher,
He's a reporter
It's hate at first sight
Joe:It won't sell,
These days they want glamour:
Fabulous heiress
Meets handsome Hollywood heel
Problem is, she thinks he's a dentist
Would you believe it?
A wedding on the last reel
Betty:It doesn't have to be so mindless
You should write from your experience
Give us something really moving;
Something true
Joe:who wants true?
Who the hell wants moving?
Moving means starving
And true means holes in your shoe
Betty:No you're wrong
They still make good pictures
Stick to your story,
It's a good story
Joe:OK Miss Schaffer
I give it to you
