Sångtext Vision, My Valor: What Happened To The Good Ol' Days?

What Happened To The Good Ol' Days?

So take my hand
I'll show you the way
Don't take this for granted
Just take my hand
I'll show you the way
Don't take this for granted

Open your eyes
Leave your sorrows behind
I promise you
Everything will be fine
Show me your hands
So I know if you are real or not

As long as you feel what I feel
And hear what I hear
You will be real to me
Not just a dream
As long as you feel what I feel
And hear what I hear
You will be real to me

I have my eyes open wide
Do you not realize?

So take my hand
I'll show you the way
Don't take this for granted
Just take my hand
I'll show you the way
Don't take this for granted

Do you not realize
My eyes are open wide
My compass points north
To sacred skies
My eyes are open wide
Seize the day
Your life only lasts so long
