St George and the Dragonet

Narrator: The legend you are about to hear is true
Only the needle should be changed to protect the record

St George: This is the countryside
My name is St George
I'm a knight
Saturday, July 10th 8:05 pm
I was working out of the castle on the nightwatch
when a call came in from the Chief
A dragon had been devouring maidens
Homicide My job: slay him

St George: You call me, Chief

Chief: Yes, the dragon again, devouring maidens
The King's daughter may be next

St George: Mmm-hmm You got a lead

Chief: Oh, nothing much to go on
Say, did you take that 45 automatic
into the lab to have them check on it

St George: Yeah You were right

Chief: I was right

St George: Yeah It was a gun

8:22 pm I talked to one of the maidens
who had almost been devoured

St George: Could I talk to you, Ma'am

Maiden: Who are you

St George: I'm St George, Ma'am
Homicide, Ma'am
Want to ask you a few questions, Ma'am
I understand you were almost devoured by the dragon, Ma'am
Is that right, dragon

Maiden: It was terrible
He breathed fire on me
He burned me already

St George: How can I be sure of that, Ma'am

Maiden: Believe me, I got it straight from the dragon's mouth

St George: 11:45 pm I rode over the King's Highway
I saw a man Stopped to talk to him
Pardon me, Sir
