Take Heed Of Trust

Don't trust anyone!
Unless you know them better than you know your fucking self!
In case that you do they'll
And eventually DESTROY YOU!

Trust but yourself, your power and beliefs
Walk your own way, don't let them lead you astray
Your inner strength will guide you to reach your goals
While the others just want to hinder you

If you let them too close they'll tear you apart
They sell your life and soul for their own disgusting pleasure
Do never rely on someone else serpent-tongued words
Just like Iscariot they'll lie straight to your face!

Don't let them get you! - Don't listen to their croon!
It's all just lies under a deadly greyish moon
Trust is for fools who don't own the will to survive
Ignore their cajoling speeches! - Walk your path and be alive!

It's all just lies under a deadly greyish moon
Ignore their cajoling speeches! - Work your path and be alive!

